Aalia Oursbourn
Aalia Oursbourn, a British-American film maker and actor is Aalia. The Los Angeles-based actress is an artist who takes imagination to new heights. Aalia came across the modeling agency at 13 years old. From there she began her profession as a model. Aalia was educated at London with an engineering degree before pursuing filmmaking upon shifting to America. Her life style is enhanced thanks to a beautiful set of diplomas that she received from a prestigious University. It was possible for her to write about the culture of her country because she was a part of the culture of the Americans as well as British. The photographer is online and blogger who keeps us informed about the thrill and fashion of high-tech and fashion across diverse countries. She also likes to update users on fitness and health through her blog posts of photos. Aalia is a former fashion model who worked with a variety of companies around the world. She has also done campaigns in conjunction with National magazines. A number of International prestigious magazines have taken photos and interviews with Aalia.
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